Political Illustrations

Illustration & copywriting


In the first piece, I designed a tarot-inspired poster about Trump’s handling of the Covid pandemic during 2020. I pulled Tweets from his now-deleted Twitter, and set him atop this throne of social media power. He wears multiple heads to demonstrate the many avenues of social influence. The figures around, and their bubble heads, were meant to speak to how our online personas and experiences become so polarized that we can’t see each other, instead just hollow, divisive versions of people.


In the second piece, I designed and illustrated a fake Politico cover, focusing on the Fiona Hill interview by Maura Reynolds from 2.28.22, where she in part describes Putin’s obsession with the past Russian “Imperium” of centuries prior.  I wanted to illustrate Putin looking to previous powerful Czars, and looking at his own troops and other countries as impersonal, like chess pawns.  I laid out old Russian maps in front of him, and researched old Czars to pick a lineup for the background.


Text and Tell


K-State Admissions Postcards